How To Improve Your Body Composition

Achieving a healthy and balanced body composition can be a game-changer, helping you to feel more energetic, confident, and healthier overall. Put an end to fad diets and endless cardio, and embrace a sustainable, science-backed approach to achieving the body you've always wanted.

What Does Body Composition Mean?

Your body composition is the relative proportions of fat and lean tissue in your body. Essentially, it tells you what your body is made of, beyond just the number on the scale. A healthier body composition means a lower percentage of body fat and a higher percentage of lean muscle mass, to a reasonable extent, of course.

How Do You Improve Your Body Composition?

An ideal body composition is determined by numerous factors and requires a holistic approach. Key areas to focus on are:

Optimal Nutrition

The foundation of improving your body composition lies in what you eat. To reduce body fat and gain muscle, you need to fuel your body with the right nutrients. Focus on a balanced diet that includes lean proteins, complex carbs, healthy fats and adequate hydration.

Reducing your calorie intake can be helpful, but extreme calorie restrictions are not sustainable and can lead to muscle loss. Remember, it's not about deprivation but about making informed choices that help you achieve your goals.

Strength Training

Building lean muscle mass is essential for improving body composition. Strength training, also known as resistance training, should be a cornerstone of your fitness routine. It not only helps you build muscle but also speeds up your metabolism, burning more calories even when you're at rest.

Incorporate exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and bodyweight exercises into your workouts. Start with a weight that challenges you and always maintain proper form. Gradually increase the resistance as your strength improves.

Cardio For Fat Loss

While strength training is crucial, don't overlook the benefits of cardiovascular exercise for fat loss. Activities like running, cycling, and swimming help create a calorie deficit and improve your overall health, which is necessary to shed body fat. Find an activity you enjoy and commit to regular sessions to maximise results.

Prioritise Rest

Recovery is as important as exercise itself. Muscles need time to repair and grow. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night, and give yourself a break between intense workouts to prevent overtraining.

Embrace A Positive Mindset

A positive mindset is crucial to achieving and maintaining a healthy body composition. Don't focus solely on the end result; appreciate the journey, celebrate small victories, and learn from setbacks. Surround yourself with a supportive community or a fitness buddy to stay motivated.

Seek Professional Guidance

If you're unsure about how to proceed, consider booking a naturopathic appointment for personalised diet and lifestyle guidance tailored to your specific needs and goals.


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Annabelle Delir

As a clinical naturopath, I’m dedicated to supporting you through your health journey with thoughtful wellness tools.

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