9 Ways To Build Speed & Endurance

Improving physical speed and endurance requires a combination of various training methods and scientific principles. Here are some science-based strategies to enhance your speed and endurance:

Interval Training

Interval training involves alternating between high-intensity bursts of exercise and periods of rest or lower intensity. For example, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) involves short bursts of intense effort followed by brief recovery periods. This method helps improve aerobic capacity, increase anaerobic power, and enhance overall endurance.

Progressive Overload

Gradually increasing the intensity, duration, or distance of your training sessions is crucial for improving speed and endurance. By challenging your body with progressively higher workloads, you stimulate physiological adaptations, such as increased muscle strength and improved cardiovascular function.

Strength Training

Incorporating resistance training exercises into your regimen can significantly enhance your speed and endurance. Strength training improves muscle strength, power, and endurance, which are essential for generating force and maintaining efficient movement patterns. Exercises like squats, lunges and deadlifts can help improve leg strength and explosive power.

Proper Nutrition

A well-balanced diet is vital for optimising speed and endurance. Consuming sufficient calories, macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats), and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) supports energy production, muscle repair, and overall recovery. Adequate hydration is also essential for maintaining optimal performance and preventing dehydration.

Plyometric Training

Plyometric exercises involve rapid stretching and contracting of muscles, aiming to improve power, speed, and explosive strength. Plyometrics help enhance the stretch-shortening cycle, which improves muscle efficiency and speed of movement. Exercises like box jumps, depth jumps, and skipping can be incorporated into training routines.


Periodisation involves dividing your training program into distinct phases, each with specific training goals. This approach helps prevent overtraining, optimizes performance gains, and minimizes the risk of injury. Typically, a periodised program includes phases of building a base, increasing intensity, and tapering before important events.

Sleep and Recovery

Sufficient rest and recovery are critical for improving speed and endurance. During sleep, your body repairs tissues, consolidates learning, and releases hormones essential for recovery. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night, and incorporate rest days or active recovery sessions into your training plan.

Proper Technique

Working on your form can improve efficiency and reduce energy wastage. In the case of running, techniques like proper posture, shorter strides, higher cadence, and foot strike patterns (e.g., midfoot or forefoot) can enhance speed and reduce the risk of injuries.

Mental Training

Endurance and speed are not just physical attributes; they also involve mental resilience and focus. Incorporate mental training techniques like visualisation, positive self-talk, goal-setting, and mindfulness to improve your mental toughness, concentration, and overall performance.

It's essential to consult with a qualified fitness professional or coach to design a personalized training program based on your current fitness level, goals, and any specific considerations or limitations you may have. If this is something you’re interested in, book an appointment or check out my Custom Exercise Program.


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Annabelle Delir

As a clinical naturopath, I’m dedicated to supporting you through your health journey with thoughtful wellness tools.


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